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First step to your hybrid working platform

Book a free Demo today!


PONT provides a versatile platform tailored to facilitate hybrid working for companies. Whether you're looking to offer flexible workspaces to your employees, want to improve work-life balance, or build a community, PONT delivers all the necessary tools and technology.

Our platform allows for seamless access to a curated network of workspaces, instant bookings, and integration of preferred locations, perfectly aligning with your business needs and improving operational efficiency.


  • Branded Workspace Booking App
  • Access to Curated Location's Network 
  • Community Building and Analytics Tools
Ready to experience the future of hybrid working?

Fill out the form, and our team will be in touch soon to provide a personalised demonstration and discuss how our platform aligns with your needs.

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We are bridging spaces and opportunities through a set of workspace solutions for operators, companies and individuals.
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