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Bridging Spaces and Opportunities

Connect effortlessly to a global network of workspaces and streamline your operations with our innovative platform.

Tailored Solutions for Every Workspace Challenge.

Hybrid Working Solution for Companies

For Operators

PONT is the only solution on the market, allowing operators to expose their inventory in a branded, easy-to-use app. Our platform optimises your space management across multiple locations, maximising occupancy rates and boosting operational efficiency. The system enhances control with real-time availability and dynamic pricing adjustments tailored to market demands. 

We automate your booking and payment processes to save time and reduce manual errors. This streamlined approach not only simplifies transactions but also improves customer satisfaction by ensuring a smooth booking experience.

Leverage PONT's advanced analytics to gain valuable insights into space usage and customer behaviours. These insights help you make informed decisions that align with market trends, enhancing your strategic planning and competitive edge in the marketplace.

For Companies

PONT revolutionizes the search and customization of coworking spaces, offering unparalleled flexibility to businesses seeking optimal workspace solutions. Unlike any other service on the market, we allow companies to curate a catalog of coworking spaces tailored to their specific needs, preferences, and goals.

Our platform simplifies the process of finding and booking coworking spaces, making traditional methods obsolete. It offers quick comparisons and instant bookings, allowing employees to easily find and reserve desks that meet their needs, with charges made directly to the company account.

PONT goes beyond basic booking functionalities by incorporating community features into the application. Our app offers access to exclusive events and networking sessions, further enriching the hybrid working experience and supporting professional growth.
White Label Booking Solution for Brokers

For individuals

PONT revolutionizes the way people can search for their ideal coworking space by offering an AI-powered search engine that quickly interprets user requests for specific features, like good networking opportunities, comfortable chairs, and proximity to home.

By speaking the user's language and understanding their unique needs, PONT streamlines the search process, ensuring that finding a workspace genuinely suiting one’s requirements is effortless and time-efficient.

Moreover, Pont introduces a hassle-free, fully online booking service that covers a wide range of needs, whether it's for a day, a week, or several months. This service simplifies the booking process, allowing users to reserve their desired workspace with meaningful comparison options, real-time availability and instant bookings.

Pont app fosters a vibrant community, offering access to curated events, and enhancing networking opportunities and business growth in today's dynamic economy.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Workspace with PONT

Explore our suite of products, each crafted to address specific aspects of workspace management effectively.

A product that cares for the environment

At PONT we know there is no planet B and we are fighting to eliminate car commute as one of the main reasons for air pollution, by offering workspaces close to your home. We also promote sustainable centres and green initiatives.

But our commitment to the environment extends to our product as well. We host our data in data centres powered with sustainable energy and optimize all our operations to save natural resources. Do you know that optimized application code can save up to 30% of the energy consumed over a year? We do and we make sure our product is not only good for our users but also for the environment.

open the world of new workspace possibilities with PONT

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We are bridging spaces and opportunities through a set of workspace solutions for operators, companies and individuals.
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