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How to fill empty coworking seats

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Running a coworking space can be a rewarding and lucrative business, but it’s not without its challenges. One of the most significant challenges faced by coworking space owners is filling empty seats

Empty seats not only mean lost revenue but also create a negative impression on potential clients, making it harder to attract new members. To make matters worse, the demand for coworking spaces has become more competitive in recent years, making it harder to stand out in a crowded market. 

So, while the demand for coworking spaces may fluctuate with changes in work arrangements, it’s unlikely that they will go out of demand entirely. As businesses and individuals seek out more flexibility in their work arrangements, coworking spaces may continue to provide an attractive option for professionals looking for a productive and collaborative work environment.

In this context, it’s essential to understand the pain points of filling empty coworking seats so that you can develop effective strategies to address them. In this article, we’ll explore the common challenges of filling empty coworking space seats and provide practical solutions to help you overcome them.

Couple Useful Tactics

Host a Networking Event

Hosting a networking event is a great way to showcase your coworking space and attract potential clients. You can partner with local businesses or organizations to co-host the event and offer a special promotion or discount for those who attend.

Related: How to Plan a Networking Event with 12 Tips

Referral Program for Coworking

Implementing a referral program can incentivize your current clients to bring in new clients. Offer a discount or free month of membership to clients who refer someone who signs up for a membership.

Related: Referral Program for Coworking 

Be Active on Your Social Media

Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to showcase your coworking space and attract potential clients. Share photos and videos of your space, highlight amenities, and post about upcoming events.

Offer a Trial Period for Flex Workers and Coworking Walk-ins

Offering a trial period or day pass can give potential clients a chance to try out your coworking space before committing to a membership. Make sure to showcase your space and amenities during their trial period to make a lasting impression.

Advertise Your Coworking Space

Advertising your coworking space in local publications, such as newspapers or magazines, can help you reach a wider audience. You can also place flyers or posters in local coffee shops, libraries, or other community spaces.

Refine Your Unique Coworking Space Features

Make sure that your pitch is clear and concise. Highlight the benefits of coworking, such as flexibility, networking opportunities, and cost savings. Make sure to also address any pain points that potential clients may have, such as privacy concerns or noise levels.

Offer Value-Added Services

Offering value-added services, such as mail handling or printing services, can attract potential clients who need these services but may not require a full-time office. Make sure to highlight these services in your marketing efforts.

Coworking Local Events

Attend Local Events

Attending local events, such as business conferences or community events, can help you network and meet potential clients. Make sure to bring business cards and be prepared to pitch your coworking space.

Filling empty coworking seats takes time and effort. Implementing these tactics consistently and persistently can help you attract new clients and fill your space.

How PONT Can Help

PONT offers a dynamic solution for coworking operators looking to fill empty seats by leveraging its events platform and real-time booking engine. This innovative approach connects operators directly with a broad audience seeking flexible workspaces. By hosting and publicizing events through PONT’s platform, operators can showcase their coworking spaces, highlighting their unique features and fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

The real-time availability feature of the booking engine further enhances this experience, allowing potential clients to view and book available spaces instantly. This not only streamlines the booking process but also increases visibility and accessibility, making it easier for remote workers, freelancers, and businesses to find and utilize coworking spaces. PONT’s integration of event hosting with seamless booking capabilities presents a comprehensive and efficient strategy for coworking spaces to attract and retain a diverse range of clients, ultimately filling those empty seats with ease. List your space on PONT now.


Managing a coworking space is rewarding but challenging, particularly in attracting clients to fill empty seats. Empty seats mean lost revenue and can deter potential members, a situation compounded by the competitive nature of the coworking market. However, the demand for such spaces remains due to the growing preference for flexible work arrangements.

To address these challenges, we suggest hosting networking events, implementing referral programs, and being active on social media to attract new clients. Additionally, offering trial periods, advertising in local publications, highlighting unique features, and providing value-added services are effective ways to fill empty seats. These strategies, applied consistently, can help maintain a vibrant and appealing coworking environment.

Updated on 19/11/2023
Article by:
Robert Wojno
A seasoned marketer with a strong background in journalism. Has been working in the workspace industry for over 5 years. Dog lover and a big fan of dog friendly coworking spaces.
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